
The directory structure follows the MTH5 project of the USGS.

The HDF5 format is a Hierarchical Data Format version 5.

It is organized in a virtual directory structure with data description. Especially for storage and reading this format is well organized.

For distributed data recording and frequent data changes it is not made. The atss and JSON files of the metronix data loggers are that way organized that the can be finally pushed into the MTH5 HDF5 format.

Northern Mining
├── config
├── db
├── dump
├── edi
├── filters
├── jle
├── jobs
├── log
├── meta
│   └── Sarıçam
│       ├── run_001
│       │   ├── 084_2009-08-20_13-22-00_2009-08-21_07-00-00_R001_128H.xml
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C000_TEx_128Hz.json
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C001_TEy_128Hz.json
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C002_THx_128Hz.json
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C003_THy_128Hz.json
│       │   └── 084_ADU-07e_C004_THz_128Hz.json
│       └── run_002
│           ├── 084_2009-08-21_07-01-00_2009-08-21_07-06-00_R001_2048H.xml
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C000_TEx_2048Hz.json
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C001_TEy_2048Hz.json
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C002_THx_2048Hz.json
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C003_THy_2048Hz.json
│           └── 084_ADU-07e_C004_THz_2048Hz.json
├── processings
├── reports
│   └── old_cal
│       ├── FGS03E_000_master.txt
│       ├── MFS05141.TXT
│       ├── MFS06024.TXT
│       ├── MFS06026.TXT
│       ├── MFS06032.TXT
│       ├── MFS06E_000_master.txt
│       ├── MFS07E_000_master.txt
│       └── MFS10e0021.TXT
├── shell
│   ├── mkallproc.sh
│   ├── plot_ascii_table_edi.sh
│   └── procall.sh
├── stations
│   └── Sarıçam
│       ├── run_001
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C000_TEx_128Hz.atss
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C000_TEx_128Hz.json
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C001_TEy_128Hz.atss
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C001_TEy_128Hz.json
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C002_THx_128Hz.atss
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C002_THx_128Hz.json
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C003_THy_128Hz.atss
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C003_THy_128Hz.json
│       │   ├── 084_ADU-07e_C004_THz_128Hz.atss
│       │   └── 084_ADU-07e_C004_THz_128Hz.json
│       └── run_002
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C000_TEx_2048Hz.atss
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C000_TEx_2048Hz.json
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C001_TEy_2048Hz.atss
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C001_TEy_2048Hz.json
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C002_THx_2048Hz.atss
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C002_THx_2048Hz.json
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C003_THy_2048Hz.atss
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C003_THy_2048Hz.json
│           ├── 084_ADU-07e_C004_THz_2048Hz.atss
│           └── 084_ADU-07e_C004_THz_2048Hz.json
└── tmp